On March 31, 2018, I spent 19hrs and 42 mins running through the mountains of Georgia. After covering some 74 miles and change with somewhere around 18k feet of ascent and 22k feet of descent, I found myself capturing 67th place, not bad for dealing with a ton of issues in my hip, piriformis, and … Read More
Death Race
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 12 – Skulls
In the heat of the day, I barely knew which way was up and which way was ground. What should have been running became more of hobble as I shifted the weight of my pack back and forth to move with some sense of purpose; as I approached the White Barn with a few other … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 11 – The Final Hours
Once we had removed our bodies the frigid waters, we were sent back to school. We had one last game to play before we sat down for “class time”. Once we gathered in the backyard, we were pitted against one another in an all-out race on our hands and knees. Without putting too much thought … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 10 – A Tale of Two Buses
I was standing in a diaper and a Tyvek suit with somewhere between 50 and 100 other idiots, I mean athletes (Who am I kidding? We’re idiots, we paid to do this) standing around in a diaper, in a Tyvek suit. By the way, did you enjoy that full frontal “getting dressed and interviewed” action shot? … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 9 – Comin’ in Hot
This is it; this is where the fun began. For the next 7-8 hours or so we would be tasked with doing laps up and down Joe’s mountain from the White Barn to Shrek’s Cabin, and back again. Just as the racers did at previous Winter Death Races, but I was on the other side … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 8 – Endless Yoga
Having made up a lot of time with our strategy we found ourselves beating the 4PM cut-off by four hours. As I recall, we were somewhere in the middle of teams who finished. After a quick refresh at basecamp it was right back to it with the next challenge. Next up, we found ourselves back … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 7 – A Ravine and a Cemetery
Back at Riverside, we were briefed on the next task, which could be completed in teams. I opted to wait for my friends to make their way back to the White Barn before embarking on this next challenge. Everyone was given until 1600 hours to complete this task. The biggest relief was that we did … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 6 – Charred Axes and A Bucket Full of Lies
Adorning my freshly-made “buckskin”garb I gathered my gear, and after meticulously crafting the aforementioned buckskin outfit with 108 stitches and completing the tedious task of sliding a porcupine quill through my log, my load was lightened considerably. I no longer needed the log, so I was allowed to toss it in the fire near the … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 5 – Pocahontas and Porcupine Quills
The time had come to depart from the top of Bloodroot Mountain Trail. After a long and tedious process thanks in part to Don’s desire to break me by angering my soul, I successfully finished crafting my cup of water in a log holder project. With the remains of my creation packed tightly away, I … Read More
Legend of the Death Race Year 3: Part 4 – Bloodroot Water Giver
At approximately eight hours into the Year of the Explorer we left the comfort zone of Riverside Farm to head toward a destination known by many to be a zone of danger, a climb that has broken many a person: the notorious Bloodroot Mountain. Bloodroot came early at this Death Race, seeking to claim as … Read More