The Finnish Art of Courage

Author: Joanna Nylund
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Quick Summary:

In Finland, there is a Finnish word they use that is actually untranslatable in the English language,  but it essentially comes down to a melding of courage, resilience, grit, tenacity, and perseverance. This trait has not only shaped the fate of their nation but it continues to be the primary guiding principle as to how Finns go about living their lives. They fully embody this principle and this book shows you the many ways and lessons you can learn from having Sisu. Sisu helps us to discover our inner strength, embrace the unknown, make the most of all weather, resolve conflicts, raise resilient children, achieve personal goals – be it fitness or otherwise, and ultimately to fight for what we believe in. To have Sisu is to have the courage to get shit done.

Why Read It?:

In short, SISU is something I discovered long before this book. At my first Death Race, I met a group that referred to themselves as Team SISU and I quickly found myself wanting to identify with this group of gritty and tenacious individuals who embraced their SISU. Having found myself so immersed in this idea, I wanted to continue to understand what Sisu really was and what it really meant. Since the word is untranslatable I figured I should seek out some books that do a better job of explaining it. This book is filled with pictures and examples of the Sisu mentality and lifestyle that the people of Finland have so deeply ingrained in their way of life. If you’re looking to understand how to have more courage, grit, tenacity, perseverance and how the Finns incorporate this into their daily lives, you’ll definitely want to pick this up. It’s a quick and easy read and it also makes a great coffee table piece.

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