A mountain out in the beautiful land of Vermont awaits. It’s exact location is at the Killington Ski Resort. This isn’t just any mountain, it’s known locally as the Beast. That’s where Spartan Race came up with the name for their half marathon obstacle race. This week marks a first for the sport of obstacle racing, and for Spartan Race as well, the Ultra Beast has emerged. This will be the first ever marathon distance obstacle race in history. Select racers from all ends of the country, as well as Canada and beyond are making their way to this mountain in Vermont to become a part of that history.
Topics ranging from gear, to nourishment, and estimated course completions have been flooding the Ultra Beast Facebook Group. Just as I stayed away from those pages as the Death Race came closer and closer I too have strayed from this page more and more while others flood it with questions and clarifications. I prefer a different approach. Zen’ing out. I coined the term during one of my initial Death Race interviews. It’s my way of disconnecting my mind from the obstacles that lay ahead. I prefer to be unaware of what is coming my way. The less I know, the more I can rely on my mind to make on the spot decisions. I “zen out” not only leading up to a race, but often times during the race as well. Clear thoughts, clear head. Ready for anything. Expecting nothing. Accepting everything, that crosses my path. That’s how I like to go into my races.
This past weekend at the Ultimate Suck was extremely motivating and inspiring. I witnessed some of the most virtuous acts and strongest determination yet. Being surrounded by all of that just a week before this event will help me keep my focus when it is needed. Always remember you can make your dreams reality, if you want them to be. I realized that when I was searching for a quote that embodied the 2012 Season. It’s been quite the ride, a ride that has brought much happiness to my life. Make your dreams come true. It’s up to you. 🙂