Over a month ago I sustained a fair amount of injuries… I needed to heal from said injuries with as much haste as possible so I could make my appearance at the inaugural Tundra Challenge. For all my life I have been able to recover from most of my injuries at a faster rate than whatever the doctor predicts for my recovery time. All the injuries healed fairly quick, with the exception of two, my right knee and my left shoulder (specifically the rotator cuff).
Around the time of the injury I had been talking with a friend from way back in my grade school days about her new enzyme based supplement business she had started. After reading up on what she had to offer and talking with her a bit I asked her if she could send me the Pain & Inflammation Blend to help me not only with the injuries I was suffering from but also with hopes of being able to speed up the recovery between workouts.
As soon as I received the blend I began taking the tablets as instructed, 4 tabs daily. The suggested usage is 4 tabs daily, and depending on severity up to 8 tabs per day. Personally I don’t find it necessary to ever take that much of a supplement so I stuck with the 4 tabs on an empty stomach with water every morning right when I woke up. For the past 5-6 weeks I have been taking these tablets as soon as I wake in the mornings. I should also point out that I take a variety of vitamins and I have at least one protein shake per day. These new tablets were in addition to all the other nutrients and vitamins I already consumed on a daily basis. I’m lucky that I don’t have a problem swallowing pills because with the addition of these I am up to around 10 or so tablets every morning. The size of these tablets is not unbearable at all, I take all four at once, they are approximately the same size as your standard multi-vitamin.
After taking this supplement for the past month or so I am happy to finally report some of my findings. A few things that I really like about this supplement is you can take it on an empty stomach. One of the biggest problems I sometimes have with any kind of vitamin or supplement is the stomach cramps that can come when consuming them on an empty stomach, never had an issue with the Pain & Inflammation Blend. I also believe that my recovery time from one workout to the next was much quicker. Typically when I finish one of my workouts the next day will be a bit painful but its really that second day after the workout that has its way with me and drops me into the fetal position. After 2 weeks of taking the Innerzyme tablets I was feeling fantastic not only the next day but that second day of doom as well.
On top of the speed recovery times between workouts that I began seeing, I was also able to monitor and recover from some nasty knee inflammation that I was experiencing. I took some breaks here and there from running but really never completely had to stop or anything like that. Today I was able to run without any signs of the inflammation and it felt wondertastic!
Okay so I’m not trying to tell you this is some kind of miracle supplement or that it’s going to cure whatever pain you may be suffering from right now, but I will tell you this, I strongly believe that it helped shorten my recovery and helped to keep me active while I was recovering. Those two things make me believe that it is completely worth trying!
If you’re interested in more specifics about this enzyme based supplement head over to Innerzyme‘s website and do your research.