Today was unbelievable. When I left my office for the day to head home I was stunned by the beauty of the sky and by how perfect the weather was. It was a nice 54 degrees when I left for my home. The entire 45 minute drive flew by thankfully. One thing that stood out during the drive was this constant desire to just jump outside and start running. The feeling came over me much as if it were a tidal wave grabbing everything in its path.
- 2.15 Miles
- 30 Push-ups
- 0.2 Mile Sprint
- 50 Walking Lunges
- 0.2 Mile Sprint
- 2 Minute Plank Hold
- 0.1 Mile Sprint
To conclude I grabbed one of my smaller logs and did half a mile light job alternating between holding the log straight armed directly above my head from one arm to the other. Towards the last segment I did a series of french curls, chest presses, and military presses, still jogging. Dropped the log off and went off on another almost half mile fast paced run. All in all it was a great workout.